Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 14, 1979 (Friday)

From running log:
Cross country practice. 1.5 mile warmup, 2 miles of intervals, 1.5 mile Indian file, 0.1 cooldown (5.1 miles). 8 times 440 yards striding in 81-83 seconds each. We ran a few intervals and a little Indian file. Very stiff after yesterday. Back, knees, hamstrings, neck - ow! It was worth it though. I still have a small chest cold, I think, gotta stay warm this weekend. Can't emphasize my victory or my soreness enough. It's getting cold weatherwise.

30 years later:
So, what did a cross country team do in 1979 on the day after a hard race? Run intervals, of course. If I did that today, my legs would probably fall off. Maybe my arms too.

We were a happy bunch, basking in the glow the previous day's victory. I'm sure we were all a bit stiff and sore, but we had a spring in our step and a bit of renewed confidence. The season was now well underway, and we were gearing up for what was to come.

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